Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun with Food

So playing with food is kinda a craft, right? Now that I have Eve I LOVE making cute treats for school or parties. I found all of these ideas from other blogs and websites such as Southern Living and Parenting Magazine.

Owl Moon Pie Treats - these were for Eve's teachers at Halloween. I got the idea from Southern Living. Its a Moon Pie, seperate an Oreo, add a little icing to the center and put on 2 M&M's, add a little icing to the top of the head and add some chocolate sprinkles, then a Candy Corn for the beak.

Frog Mini Cupcakes - I made these for Eve's 1st Birthday to take to school with her. Just dye some white icing green, then pick out the green marshmellows from the multi-colored bag and dab a bit of black icing and you're done. Kids love them.

Spider Cookies - There I made for Treat Day at Eve's school. You take an Oreo and split it. Add a little extra icing then put back together. Break up the long preztels in half and stick 4 into each side of the Oreo. Then dab on a little icing to hold the M&M's. They were a hit! I'm sure all the kids think that Eve's mom is the coolest. :)
Cupcakes on a stick - These I made for Eve's 1st Birthday party. She had a Poodle / Cupcake party. These are just cake balls dripped in chocolate and added sprinkles and an M&M on top. Yummy!

And finally the Poodle Cupcakes! I had found a really cool Poodle cake to make for her 1st birthday but I attempted it and it was a nightmare! So I found this idea online. However on the original design it called for pink circus peanuts for the ears and I couldn't find pink ones anyhere! So I used a stick of gum and it worked pretty good. :)
I have also made Reindeer cupcakes and Frank-n-Stein cupcakes but can't find a picture of them right now. Posted by Picasa

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