Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Welcome to Crafty Lain

So I have always thought that blogging seemed like a waste of time because who really cares what others do/think. But in the past couple months I have found some really cool ideas from others blogs that have inspired me so I thought...why not try to inspire others who might find me. :)

I am a crafty gal as many of the family and friends will attest to. I love the feeling of knowing that I made it plus its usually way cooler than what I could have bought in the store. Even though my sisters is my present something you bought or something you made. She is not the crafty one in the family. :)

However now that I am a full-time working Moma my time to make things has decreased A LOT but I still managed to squeeze time in to "play". Which you will see I always refer to my craft days/projects as my "play days". B/c that what it is to me.

I am working on a couple new projects around the house right now but also want to post some things I have made in the past that I'm proud of. So more of those to come. For now...its just a welcome to Crafty Lain!

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