Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Eve's Room

I had the hardest time deciding on what type of room I wanted to do for Eve. At first I really wanted to do a red lady bug theme. But I couldn't find exactly what I wanted. I actually bought some bedding on sale but then ended up not liking it and couldn't return it...ugghh...maybe I can use it one day. But I ended up getting the Circo Love and Nature bedding from Target and she LOVES it! It's got owls, tree's, squirels, mushroom's etc and she loves talking about all the animals.  
I came to our new house the day we were schedule to close and started painting Eve's room. I wanted it to be done before we moved in. The walls were all white, white trim...blahhhhh
Here's another before picture.
I decided to paint 3 walls green and 1 wall pink. Her last room had a chair rail which I really liked but didn't have the time or help to do that...so I decided to do the accent wall. I also knew when we moved that I wanted to paint a tree on her wall. Which could work with either lady bugs or not. I had seen some really cool tree decals but Lance can be such an artist...I knew we could do it ourselves. So Lance drew the tree on the wall and I painted it. Her Circo Love and Nature bedding came with wall decals so I bought them and added them to the tree. We all just love it...espically Eve!

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! That is such a great bedroom! I absolutely love the tree--that's one project I haven't tackled yet!
    www.outofthecrayonbox.blogspot.com is the blog of the girl who makes and sells kitchens for charity. Thanks for stopping by!
